Alexandre Strokanov

About Alexandre Strokanov
Teaching students to look and learn beyond their own familiar borders is at the core of what Professor Strokanov brings to the classroom. A much-published political scholar whose travels have taken him to 60 countries and familiarized him with electoral customs on six continents, he urges his students to broaden their perspectives, open their minds and see the world.
More importantly, he helps them do it. He leads student trips to his native Russia, as well as to Italy, Brazil, and China; he recounts his own experiences during the Nicaraguan Revolution and the Soviet-Afghan War, and he puts his students in touch with sociologists and politicians in the countries they are studying. “I know what the textbooks say, but that’s not enough,” Dr. Strokanov says. “I marry my own experiences with what the students read—that’s what makes a good professor.”
Although he immigrated to the U.S. in 1993, it was a more recent decision that brought him north to Vermont, where the Green Mountains remind him of Russia’s Ural Mountains. “I wanted a small college, a public college and sincere relationships with my colleagues,” he says. “I found those things at Lyndon.”
- Widely published authority on Russia and the former Soviet Union
- Eurasian history
- International travel
Courses Taught
HIS 1011 History of Western Civilization I
HIS 1020 Comparative Civilizations
HIS 2240 Survey of Eurasia
HIS 3310 18th and 19th Centuries Europe
HIS 3330 Europe since 1914
HIS 3440 Modern Russia
HIS 3445 History of Soviet/Russian Cinema and TV
HIS 3530 Modern East and Southeast Asia
HIS 3540 Modern South Asia
HIS 3550 The Islamic World
POS 1030 Comparative Government
POS 2040 International Relations
POS 3430 Government and Politics in Russia and Post-Soviet States
RUS 2010 Mystery of Russian Soul and Culture
GEO 1010 Introduction to Geography
SSC 2020 Experience the World
SSC 3820 Global Studies Fieldwork
CRJ 3220 International Criminal Justice
Publications and Presentations
Everything that did happen not with me, I remember….Second world war in memory of generations: views of youth of XXI century: articles and materials of the International Contest of Students Essays, 70th Anniversary of Victory in the WWII/ Perm, Perm State National Research University, May 9th, 2015. Perm State National Research University, Perm, 2016/ – 208 p. Все, что было не со мной, помню…Вторая мировая война в памяти поколений: взгляд молодежи ХХI века: сб. ст. и материалы международного конкурса эссе, посвящ. 70-летию Победы во Второй мировой войне. (г. Пермь, Пермс. гос. нац. исслед. ун-т, 9 мая 2015) Пермс. гос. нац. исслед. ун-т. – Пермь 2016. – 208с.
History of Family in History of Country. A collection of essays. История семьи в истории страны. Сборник эссе. Perm: Publication of Perm National Research Technical University, 2012. 194p. Пермь: Издательство Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета, 2012. 194 с. (In Russian). I was a member of Editorial Board of the book .
Power and management in contemporary Russian city. Власть и Управление в современном российском городе. Perm: Perm State Technical University, 2011. – 450 p. Издательство Пермского национального исследовательского политехнического университета, 2011. – 450 с. (In Russian). I was a member of Editorial Board of the book.
Author of Articles and Book Chapters (Recent Selection Only, 2014-2017 years only):
Zhdanova S. Yu., Pecherkina А. V., Strokanov А. А. The structure of happiness representation for Russian and American representatives. The Education and Science Journal. 2017; 7 (19): 77-96. DOI: 10.17853/1994- 5639-2017-7-77-96
Строканов А.А. и Строканова Е.В. Состояние и современные тенденции развития россиеведения в Соединенных Штатах Америки.
A. A. Strokanov, S. U. Zhdanova, L. O. Puzyreva, An Analysis of the History textbooks in Russia and the United States from the perspective of their representation of the Second World war. Article in Journal Political Linguistics, Issue # 6 (60) 2016. Ural State Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg, 2016.
Zhdanova S., Strokanov A. The President’s image among Russian and American students // Psychology in Russia. State of the Art. №3 – 2014
Svetlana Zhdanova, Svetlana Mishlanova, Alexandre Strokanov, Darya Zhdanova. The Ontology Of Subject Area “Psychology Of Happiness” pp. 361-371, Article in American Journal of Scientific and Educational Research, 2014, No.2. (5), (July-December). Volume II. “Columbia Press”. New York, 2014. – 820 p.