Hunger Banquet at JSC to Raise Money for Oxfam
Hunger Banquet at JSC to Raise Money for Oxfam
Fundraising event to help combat hunger takes place on November 1.
October 19, 2016
During this fundraiser for the hungry, where you sit and what you eat will be determined by the luck of the draw, at Johnson State College’s Hunger Banquet 5 p.m. Nov. 1.
The event, open to the public, will be at the Stearns Student Center performance space. Admission will be donation of a food item or $5 per person. Proceeds will benefit Oxfam, an international nonprofit that addresses hunger and poverty.
Tickets, given at the door, will indicate which socioeconomic “class” to which each diner has been randomly assigned. Different meals will be served to different classes to illustrate the nature of poverty. Statistics about hunger will be read aloud at the dinner, which will feature donated food.
The banquet has been held in previous years at JSC. This year, the event is organized by undergraduates Hunter Mallette and Rebecca Bingham, who will work for World Hunger Relief Inc. in Texas next February in JSC’s Badger Alternative Breaks community service program.