JSC Celebrates Campus Sustainability Day
JSC Plans Campus Sustainability Day Events
October 20, 2010
On Wednesday, October 20, 2010, JSC will observe Campus Sustainability Day, a national effort on college campuses to raise awareness and increase planning with regard to issues such as climate change. JSC’s event will be marked with a series of multi-media presentations and a panel discussion. All events will take place in the Dibden Center for the Arts Theater.
From 1-2:30 p.m., a national webcast, “Empowering a Low Carbon Movement at Your Campus: Strategies and Tools for Behavior Change, Community Engagement and Large-Scale Transformation,” will be screened.
From 2:30 – 3:30 p.m., a slideshow, presented by JSC students who took the Solar Bus to Washington, D.C. in April 2010 for Earth Day will be presented.
And from 3:30 – 5 p.m., a panel discussion, “Going Green on Campus and in the Community,” featuring Robert Dostis of Green Mountain Power, Daivd Hallquist of VT ELectric Co-op, and Vermont Senate Candidates Rich Westman and David Yacovone, as well as JSC staff members, will take place.
All of these events are open to the entire campus community. For more information, please contact Jasmine Yuris.