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JSC to Launch One-Year M.A.Degree in Special Education

JSC Launches One-Year Master’s Degree in Special Education

April 7, 2011

Johnson State College will offer a one-year master’s degree in special education starting with the fall 2011 semester. The program – the only one of its kind in Vermont- is for licensed teachers who want to earn their endorsement in K-12 special education during an intensive, one-year program of study and internship rather than the customary two to three years.

Both the traditional and the one-year M.A. in special education at JSC have been revamped to reflect a “non-categorical characteristics” approach to special education, reflecting the latest research on how to best teach students with both low- and high-incidence disabilities.

Students in the program will complete two teaching internships, assemble a comprehensive portfolio aligned with the Vermont Special Education Teacher Competencies, conduct an action research project over the duration of the program, submit a professional paper and give a presentation on their findings.

“The one-year program is a great option for students who can dedicate the time to it, but it requires a commitment to rigorous study,” says Dr. Perry LaRoque of JSC, who spearheaded the new degree offering. “As a result, it may not be the best option for someone with a full-time job, but it’s a great way for someone who’s just starting out with a teaching license to move to the front of the hiring line.”

Only 15 full-time students will be accepted each year. Applicants must hold a current teaching license and have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher from their undergraduate degree or their most recent graduate experience.

Johnson State College began as a teachers’ college in 1866, and education remains one of the college’s flagship degree programs at both the bachelor’s and master’s levels. Today JSC offers 25 undergraduate degrees, including a variety of teacher-licensure options, as well as three master’s degrees and a statewide bachelor’s-degree completion program for adults with at least 60 college credits.

For more information about the new one-year M.A. in special education, visit the program website here or contact Perry LaRoque at 802-635-1358 or