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Top Adult Learners Receive Achievement Award at NVU-Lyndon

The top adult learners at Northern Vermont University-Lyndon have received the Adult Achievement Award, and some have been inducted into the campus chapter of the nation a Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society.

The students were recognized at a recent event on campus.

Adult learners are nontraditional students 23 and older who take classes on campus and online. To be eligible for the Adult Achievement Award — for sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students — students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.2.

Eighty-nine students received the award this year. Of those, John Brochu of Bradford, Ashley Brown of Lunenburg, Bryanna Smith of Lyndonville and Sabra Snyder of Wheelock were inducted into the Alpha Sigma Lambda Honor Society. Students eligible for induction are undergraduates who meet certain criteria for age, GPA and number of credits earned in NVU-Lyndon classes. Only the top 20 percent of eligible students are invited to join the society, according to its bylaws.

Adult learners can contribute valuable insights from life experience to their classes and activities at NVU-Lyndon. “I’ve heard from some traditional-age students that it’s been nice having the older

students in their classes to get their perspective on things in terms of class content or life,” NVU Coordinator of Academic Success Resources Denise Moses says. “They bring a real-world sense to the campus.”