NVU-Lyndon Student Leadership Opportunities
NVU-Lyndon Peer Leader
Help your fellow Hornets transition to campus life, serve as a guide and resource for balancing the competing demands of college, and help students excel as you learn how to serve in a leadership role. Peer leaders work directly with a group of assigned students and will also work at a variety of campus orientation events.
- Peer Leaders Receive: Leadership training and support, and a sizable stipend.
- Application Deadline: March 22, 2022, APPLY NOW
- Position Begins: Summer 2022
- Full Job Description
Learn more! Contact Paul Levine, Director of Student Life – Lyndon: 802.626.6417
“One of the reasons I decided to become a peer leader was because I wanted to make a difference, to support others as my first-year peer leader had done for me. She motivated me to step out of my comfort zone and apply for a leadership role that I probably wouldn’t have done without her. Being a peer leader, I have grown as a person, a leader, a student, and as a friend. I am grateful for the connections that I wouldn’t otherwise have made, lifelong friendships, and the opportunity to be a part of the First-Year Experience Team.” Alya Christensen ‘22
NVU-Lyndon Resident Assistant (RA)
Become a residence hall RA! Help build relationships, serve as a role model and informational resource, and foster supportive relationships within the residence halls, while working with a great team of peers and mentors and representing the very best of NVU.
- RAs Receive: Free campus housing, leadership and conflict resolution experience, and a cash stipend
- Application Deadline: Friday, March 22, 2022
- Position Begins: Summer 2022, APPLY NOW
- Full Job Description
Learn more! Contact Paul Levine, Director of Student Life – Lyndon: 802.626.6417
“Being in the RA position has been such a fun and amazing experience. Don’t be afraid to be known and to be yourself. This job will push you out of your comfort zone and allows you to grow your potential.” Senior RA, Alexander Therriault
NVU-Lyndon SGA – Elected Student Roles
Serve as an elected student voice on the NVU-Lyndon campus!
The SGA fosters and promotes student involvement in college activities and events, and a variety of leadership positions are available.
- SGA Representatives Receive: Leadership and teamwork experience! A stipend which varies by position and level of work required.
- Application Deadline: Ongoing
- Positions Begin: August 2022
Learn more! Contact Katie Campbell with questions and for more information.
To obtain a petition to apply, email: LyndonSGA@NorthernVermont.edu
“The Student Government Association allows for the leader inside to shine through. My experience being SGA President has been extremely rewarding. Being able to help better the student life here at Lyndon is rewarding in itself, but our students never fail to remind us of their appreciation of the hard work we put into solving student body concerns. Overall, SGA has been a very positive experience and I would strongly encourage more people join.” Gill MacDonald, SGA President 2020-2022
NVU-Lyndon Campus Activities Board (CAB)
Help choose, run, and promote campus activities for the 2022-23 school year! A variety of positions are available.
- CAB Representatives Receive: Leadership and resume-building experience, priority registration for trips and events, and the opportunity to apply for a small leadership scholarship.
- Application Deadline: Elections are March 22; after March 22, candidates will be considered on a rolling basis.
- Positions Begin: August 2022
Learn more! Reach out to Katie Campbell with questions and for more information.
“CAB has been such a great thing to be a part of. It allows me to get involved on campus in a way that lets me meet a lot of the student body along with making new friends.” Cheyenne Reilly
NVU-Lyndon Public Safety
Gain leadership experience and get paid an hourly wage through the Public Safety Student Leadership Program!
Spring 2022
Student Officer
Student Officers mostly work weekend hours with some occasional hours during the week mixed in. Public Safety operates three shifts: 4am-12pm, 12pm-8pm, and 8pm-4am. We rotate the shifts so that you’re not always working the same shift. This is not your average work-study position. It requires a lot of walking, checks of the campus, attention to detail, and dedication.
Summer 2022
Student Officer
Summer Perks include free campus housing in the Rita Bole Complex and an hourly rate of $12.55/hour. During the Summer, Student Officers cover weekend shifts and various shifts during the week when the full-time staff are on leave.
Students can apply for either position here.
“Alumni of our Student Leadership Program have gone on to become Police Officers, Border Patrol agents, Correction officers, EMTs, State Fire Marshals, Sheriffs, and more. Foster Rich ’20 went on to join the South Burlington Police Department as a full-time officer, and Nicholas Boudreau ’19 went on to join Marble Valley Regional Correctional Facility as a full-time Corrections officer. Many students have used our program as a resume-builder to enter careers outside of law enforcement as well.”
College Steps Peer Mentor
College Steps is recruiting student peer mentors to support the academic and independent living goals of NVU-Lyndon College Steps students living with social, communication, or learning challenges.
- Flexible schedule
- Specialized training and supervision; paid position
- Virtual and hybrid shifts available
Learn more! Contact Maria Coviello-Gould or call 802.578.5982. Accepting Applications Now
“Peer Mentoring was a very new experience for me, but I would not change it because it was so fun getting to know the students and having that connection!” Emma Mann, Peer Mentor