Women’s Center
Welcome to the NVU-Johnson Women’s Center
The Northern Vermont University-Johnson Women’s Center provides a safe space for women to retreat, study and converse. The Center also offers a well-stocked library that includes books on women’s issues, gender issues, sexuality, and women’s history. Visitors will also find an up-to-date library of brochures and pamphlets on issues that young women face today. During the school year, student workers plan events including painting The Rock for Breast Cancer Awareness month, yoga, game nights, movie nights, and a walk in support of reducing domestic violence.
Check in at the Center or Academic Support Services in Dewey Hall to find out what this semester’s schedule is.
Location: Dewey Hall, Room 149
Contact: Karen.Madden@NorthernVermont.edu
“The NVU-Johnson Women’s Center is a collective voice for those who share a commitment to issues concerning women. Our mission is to educate the campus on women’s and gender issues by providing a space for students of all races, creeds, genders, class, ethnicity, political affiliation, and sexual orientation to discuss, learn, and share knowledge.”
— Women’s Center Mission Statement